Elections (Religion)


Periodic elections are held immediately after the end of the war seasons to determine the religional administrators. At the end of these elections, groundshadow, holybab and staffmen are determined. Unless there is a coup or early election, elected administrators remain in their posts until the next war season.

Candidacy Process

  1. After the war season ends, the election date is announced and candidacy applications are received.

  2. Players who want to be nominated deposit the determined candidation fee into the system.

  3. After the application process is completed, the candidates make their promises in the propaganda panel created for them.

  4. The player who comes first as a result of the majority of qualified votes as a result of the election is entitled to become the groundshadow. The second placed player becomes the holybab. And the following players take their place in the cabinet as staffmen.

Voting and Calculation

Any player who is a believer of the religion can participate in the election. However, the outcome of the elections is determined by the qualified majority (vote effect), not the quantitative majority of the unitary votes. The ballot box table below explains how to calculate the unit vote attributes of the players.

Ballot Box

First Ranked SectSecond Ranked SectThird Ranked SectGlazed BasedGeneral






  • Sect rankings are determined by the end of war seasons.

  • If the player is the grandparaclete or member of a sect in the leaderboard, this will positively affect the unit vote quality.

  • If the player has loaded the glaze pool, this will have a positive effect on the unit vote quality.

Sample Voting
  1. The player is the leader of the sect that is ranked first on the leaderboard.

  2. 2000 players voted in his tribe.

  3. 400 glazes were deposited in the glaze pool. The number of glazes deposited by the player is 25.


  1. There is a 20% ballot box value as the sect the player belongs to is in first place. Therefore, half of the percentage, 10%, is included in the sect leader's vote influence. = 10.0*

  2. Since the general ballot box value is 30%, this value is divided by the number of believers voting in the religion: 30/2000 = 0.015*

  3. Since the glazed based ballot box value is 35%, this value is divided by the total number of glazes in the pool and multiplied by the number of glazes the player has deposited. (35/400)x25 = 2.1875*

Vote Effect: 10,0 + 0,015 + 2,1875 = 12,1290

Last updated