Aya Keyipse (Firstfruited)
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In Common Language, Aya Keyipser are mentioned as Foster Mothers, Childminders or Trees of Firstfruit.
There is controversy about their nature. For some sons, they are a Keyipse from Keyipser. Some agree that they are not from Keyipser, because the fruits on their orchards are apt to be bitter and poisonous; they are not livelihoods. What we know is their juice heals. Their taste resembles mothers’ milk and they have an important place especially in some sons’s (Maari) traditions: Maaris feed their newborns with their wives’ milk only for once when they are born, then sons feed on Aya Keyipser’s milk until they reach manliness and womanhood.
Note: This text taken from Shaar Book. For details and meanings of special words written in Jel Ketri, please refer to the relevant file.
Story Flow (Just at the begining of the game)
Creating Quests
The following is the core this can be collected through Aya Keyipse:
It does not provide buffs or debuffs to heroes.