Ratja (Sculpture)
Ratjar are Sculptures, Cavities and Mines.
Some look so rough, and some look yet elegant. They shortly rise on Rutasar as stalagmites resembling a door. They dig the depths of Rutasar to form cavities and even big tunnels there.
The form of one rarely resembles the form of another. What we call kim springs up on its eaves and stalactites. Feathersugars, honeyemeralds, tremblingstones, kenails and more, we pluck these off from them. But these ores are not enough to fill for the sons. Tools, battle equipments and jewelries are forged and processed with them. As far as we know, the sons dig, sacrifice, chase for these ores.
Note: This text taken from Shaar Book. For details and meanings of special words written in Jel Ketri, please refer to the relevant file.
In-game Features
Story Flow (Just at the begining of the game)
Creating Quests
The following is the core this can be collected through Ratja:
Buff / Debuff
It does not provide buffs or debuffs to heroes.
Last updated