Asat Mirepi (Firepourer)
Asat Mirepir are Firepourers.
When Asat Mirepir’s breath strengthens, fiery fruits are scattered around; thus perch what we call gab zasa, then gab anatusa: hot times occur with Vuhsar bringing these glowing fruits in homelands. When winter comes and cold causes shiver, they use Asat Mirepir’s fiery fruits as stove to warm their homes and tents. Nomads set their winter quarters around Asat Mirepir. Some sons (Protector) polish their weapons with them.
Note: This text taken from Shaar Book. For details and meanings of special words written in Jel Ketri, please refer to the relevant file.
In-game Features
Transformable | Collecting | Enterable | Interaction |
No | Yes | No | Story Flow (Just at the begining of the game) |
Conversation | |||
Creating Quests |
The following is the core this can be collected through Asat Mirepi:
Buff / Debuff
The buffs and debuffs provided to players in the domain are listed.
Maaris | Heirs | Protectors | Twins | Motleys | Cannibals | Expatriates | Flesheaters |
Yes (++) | No (-) | Yes (++) | No (-) | Yes (+) | No (--) | No (-) | Yes (++) |
Last updated